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SNP Paternity Testing is highly accurate and can be performed using non-invasive samples like touch DNA, making sample collection more convenient and less invasive compared to some other methods.

  1. High Accuracy: SNP testing is highly accurate due to its focus on specific, well-defined positions in the genome. By analyzing multiple SNPs, a reliable and accurate paternity test can be performed.

  2. Low Mutation Rate: SNPs generally have a low mutation rate, contributing to the stability and reliability of the test results over time.

  3. Informativeness: SNPs are abundant throughout the genome, providing a rich source of genetic information for analysis. Multiple SNPs can be examined to establish a strong genetic profile, enhancing the reliability of the test.

  4. Simple and High Throughput: SNP testing can be easily automated and is suitable for point-of-care analysis, proving efficient for personal testing at home.

  5. Sensitivity and Specificity: SNP-based tests can be designed to be highly sensitive and specific, reducing the chances of false positives or false negatives.

  6. Population-Specific Analysis: Some SNP markers may be more prevalent in certain populations. This can be advantageous for ancestry or paternity testing in specific ethnic or regional groups.